Terms and Conditions

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We recommend you check the General Contract Terms and Conditions which regulate our offer and the purchase of products from Muela-Olives, S.L. through our online store on this website.

These services are offered through Muela-Olives, S.L.. officially registered at the following address: A339 km 24,5 – 14800 Priego de Córdoba, Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 5.025, folio 190, hojanúmero SE-81.589, inscripción 1ª y con CIF B-92.569.458 hereafter Muela-Olives, S.L..

By accessing this website, users expressly accept all the clauses of these general contracting conditions, and the conditions stated in our legal advice, en la private policy, and cookies policy, in addition to any specific conditions compiled for specific services. If you do not accept these conditions you should leave this website although, if in doubt, you can always contact our customer service department.

Using any account with Muela-Olives, S.L. on social media implies acceptance of the rules and regulations stated.

The users undertake to observe and strictly comply with the clauses indicated here, as well as any legal provision that may be applicable.

All industrial and intellectual propriety rights on this website, including contents, belong to Muela-Olives, S.L., and no user is authorized to use, print or store them in any physical format which is not for personal or private use. Commercial use or modification is prohibited. The web contents can only be used for informative purposes and only when the website is cited as a reference. The user is responsible for any infringement of these rules. Access to this website does not give the user any industrial or intellectual rights to the information or products displayed.

Consequently, users are prohibited from changing either the content or the structure of these pages. Muela-Olives, S.L. reserves the right to take legal action against any users who violate industrial or intellectual rights. If a user detects an infringement of these rights we ask you to contact us through mueloliva@mueloliva.es. Muela-Olives, S.L. reserves the right to change any stipulation or information on this website.

On behalf of Muela-Olives, S.L. we ask you to read these General Terms and Contract Conditions carefully as they explain all the information relative to your rights and obligations as a user of the services offered by Muela-Olives, S.L. through  www.mueloliva.es (here onwards referred to as our website) CONTACT: Queries of any type can be sent through our Contact form.


Access by minors to this website is prohibited.

Muela-Olives, S.L. reminds users of legal age who are in charge of minors, that it will be their sole responsibility to determine what services and content are or are not appropriate for the age of the latter, and that there are computer programs that allow filtering and blocking access to certain content and services.

Contract and purchase process

These conditions have been designed to create a legally binding agreement between you and us, protecting your rights as a customer and our rights as a company. These conditions regulate the offer, purchase acceptance and delivery of products from Muela-Olives, S.L. between you and us.

Only those users who have proceeded to register in it in accordance with the provisions of these General Conditions may purchase goods and services marketed through the website.

1. How to buy at Muela-Olives, S.L.

Before placing an order, the user must select the same, being very important to review the characteristics and the final price of the same.

The purchase will be made by the user through the electronic means provided by the website, having to fill in the form with the required data, which will appear on the screen.

The characteristics of the products and their prices will appear on the screen. Items will be available for sale while stocks last. The prices indicated on the screen are in euros, They DO NOT include I.V.A. and they are current.

By placing an order on the website, you ensure that you are over 18 years of age.

2. Formalization of the order

The items to be purchased must be selected and added to the shopping cart by clicking on the corresponding icon. The color and number of units must be chosen that are desired of each selected article.

The shopping cart shows the reference of the chosen item, its name, model units and price, in euros (taxes NOT included). The price expressed does not include the cost of transport, whose rates vary depending on the selected shipping method and zone.

To make the purchase, the user’s personal data will be required if the user has not previously registered. The personal data provided will be incorporated into our database in order to process the order and facilitate the making of new purchases through the website. The personal data of the users will be treated in accordance with the provisions of our política de privacidad. The user will be able to access, at any time, their personal data provided and the information of the orders placed.

Muela-Olives, S.L. reminds users that they must indicate their personal data accurately to avoid confusion or incidents in the delivery of the order and the items purchased.

In addition, in the case of being expressly requested by the user, he will receive by mail information and publications of Muela-Olives, S.L..

3. Finalizing the purchase

Once the purchase has been confirmed but before it is dispatched clients will be provided with a summary of the order indicating the buyer, the price (with transport and taxes included), a list of the items ordered and the details of the receiver so that the client can confirm their order by clicking on “CONFIRM PAYMENT”.

Orders can be paid for using the options detailed in the section “Sales and Means of Payment”. These are the only forms of payment accepted.

Confirmation of payment and the number of the order will be sent to the corresponding address. An email will also be sent to the user with a description of the order and relevant personal information. If this message is not received, you should contact us as soon as possible to confirm details.

Payment methods and currencies

The prices on this website are in Euros and without indirect taxes (I.V.A.).

In accordance with the Value Added Tax Law, Muela-Olives, S.L. it is obliged to pass this tax on, at the rate in force at all times, to all products delivered in Spain, except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

In deliveries made in the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, the corresponding taxes and duties will be applied in accordance with the regulations in force in each of these territories and that the client must clear at the AEAT customs if this is required. . Customs expenses will always be paid by the customer.

For intra-community purchases, those customers who are reliably registered in the Registry of Intra-community Operators will be exempt from the tax.

All purchases can be made with a debit / credit card, cash on delivery, bank transfer or through PayPal.

There are four ways to pay for an order:

Credit/Debit card

The majority of major credit cards can be used (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, American Express …) to complete purchases. Security is very important to us so your information will be kept safe. In order to avoid fraud and protect security, personal information on credit card holders is subject to validation and authorization by both ourselves and the company who has issued the card. We would like to remind you that credit card information should not be send by email, fax or through social networks.

If you choose to pay online using a credit or debit card, once your personal data has been confirmed, payment will occur in real time, through the platform your financial institution uses.


Bizum is a mobile app that allows payments and chargings to be made between individuals, for cases in which intermediaries do not have cash and without needing to know the bank account number of the payment recipient.


PayPal is a quick and secure way of paying without any additional costs.

PayPal Express Payment Clients can link their PayPal account to Muela-Olives, S.L.. so that any future purchases can be completed automatically using this system.

Check the PayPal website for more information on this option. PayPal.

Bank Transfer

When selecting bank transfer as a means of payment, you will receive, together with the confirmation of your order, an email where the account number in which to make the bank transfer in the name ofMueloliva. All costs for this type of payment are the client’s responsibility.

Purchases paid by transfer will be confirmed and processed for shipping once the amount of the order has been received. It is important to indicate in the subject the order number, as well as the personal data of the user who is making the purchase (name and surname) , and make the bank transfer within 3 days after the order confirmation date in order to validate it. If after the indicated period, Mueloliva you have not received the corresponding amount, the order will be canceled.

If you prefer, you can send proof of the transfer by email mueloliva@mueoliva.es.

Once the payment is received in our bank account, the order will leave the warehouse.

If you want to request an invoice, you need to contact us, indicating the data and the order reference number. The deadline to request the invoice is 15 calendar days after the order is delivered.

For any questions, contact mueloliva@mueoliva.es.

Product availability

All orders are subject to availability. If at the time of issuing the order we detect that there are no stocks in our warehouses of any of the products included in it, Muela-Olives, S.L. will try to locate the item. If this is not possible, the customer will be notified immediately. In addition, the amount of the item charged and not sent will be paid in the following days to the customer, by the same means of payment used in the purchase.

The right to decline an order

Muela-Olives, S.L. reserves the right to cancel any order or not accept an order for the following reasons:

If there is a technical and/or typing error in the prices or other product information on our website at the time the order is placed.

If the product is not available as explained in point 4.5.

When security systems indicate that the purchase may be fraudulent.

It appears that the user is under-age.

Muela-Olives, S.L. has not been able to deliver to the given address.

Muela-Olives, S.L. will refund all amounts paid.

Intellectual property

All the contents of this website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization of any content on this website, in any case requires the prior written authorization of Muela-Olives, S.L..

The contents outside Muela-Olives, S.L.
that may appear on this website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any authorization to third parties.

The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of the web, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of Muela-Olives, S.L..

The user undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by Muela-Olives, S.L.. The user may use the website and its contents for their personal and private use. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the web.

Limitation of liability

Users voluntarily and clearly accept full responsibility for their use of the website.

Muela-Olives, S.L. is not responsible under any circumstances for any damages or harm of any nature which may occur while using this site including mistakes or omissions in terms of content, lack of availability of the webpage, virus or other malware within the contents.

Muela-Olives, S.L. is not responsible for any contents placed by third parties on our website be it information, stored content including but not limited to forums, chats, blog creators, commentaries, social networks or any other medium which allows third parties to publish their views on the web.

En todo caso, el prestador manifiesta que procederá a la retirada inmediata o en su caso bloqueo, de cualquier contenido que pudiera contravenir la legislación nacional o internacional, la moral o el orden público, procediendo a la retirada inmediata de la redirección a dicho sitio web, poniendo en conocimiento de las autoridades competentes el contenido en cuestión. En caso de que el usuario considere que existe en la web algún contenido que pudiera ser susceptible de esta clasificación, se ruega lo notifique de forma inmediata al administrador de la web.

The Website has been reviewed and tested to ensure that it works properly.

In principle, correct operation can be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. However, Muela-Olives, S.L.
does not rule out the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or that causes of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances may occur that make access to the web impossible.

The introduction of hyperlinks for commercial purposes is prohibited on web pages other than Muela-Olives, S.L.
that allow access to the web, without the prior consent of Muela-Olives, S.L., that it is not responsible for the use or content of third party web pages that may link to the website.

Customer service and contact

Muela-Olives, S.L., As the person in charge of the website in charge of the marketing and sale of the products, it offers users a customer service telephone service +34 955 23 03 38, available 5 days a week (except holidays), from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in which due attention will be given to all queries and questions raised in relation to the purchase of products through the website. They can also contact by email or post.

The contact details are:

Muela-Olives, S.L.
A339 km 24,5 – 14800 Priego de Córdoba

We inform you that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Consumers may submit their claims through the aforementioned online dispute resolution platform.

We remind you that you should not provide your card details via email, fax or social networks.

Personal information

The collection and processing of your personal data, as well as the exercise of the rights that the law confers for the protection thereof, will be governed by the provisions of the private policy, The text of which you accepted from the moment of your registration and to which you have access at all times through the website.


Muela-Olives, S.L. reserves the right to make any changes considered necessary to our website without previous warning. We reserve the right to change, delete or add content and services and the form in which they may appear or be found on our website.

Muela-Olives, S.L. recommends users to regularly consult these conditions although placement of any new order through our website automatically implies acceptance.

Legislation and juristiction

These terms and conditions are written in Spanish, and are subject to Spanish law. In the event of any type of discrepancy between the parties in relation to the interpretation and content of this website, as well as any circumstance that may arise from the interpretation or fulfillment of the contract, all parties submit, expressly waiving to any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Seville, as long as they do not have the status of consumer.

Last update: December 31, 2018.

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